Free Eagle Studios, LLC is more than happy to work with people who’d like to advertise their products! While we may not be able to cover everything under the sun, here are a few general guidelines that will assist you as you inquire on the form below!


We accept many different types of ads for publication. As you can probably tell from our sidebar, all of our ads are non-intrusive and have something to do with popular culture. With that in mind, here are some points to live by.

  • We accept image-based ads, but sponsored posts can work, too.
  • These ads must be relevant to the subject matter discussed on our site.
    • Films, books, television shows, and video games are a great match!
    • Associated items like technology or food are okay.
    • Ads for other things will be rejected.
  • Free copies of the advertised item are optional with an ad placement, but required if you want us to create a sponsored post.


Would you like us to review something of yours? If so, we’d be happy to do so! Just keep a few things in mind.

  • As in our advertising guidelines, we only accept relevant subject matter.
  • We need a free copy to do the job, but there is no guarantee that your item will be reviewed.
    • We prefer DRM-free items, such as a book that is a PDF file.
  • We do not accept payment for coverage under any circumstances.

If you’d like to learn more or have any questions, fill out the contact form below!

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message